Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Homemade Corn Tortillas

I made homemade corn tortillas the other day so I could make enchiladas for dinner.  Corn tortillas are very easy to make and taste so much better than their store-bought counterparts.  Not to mention the store bought ones are full of ingredients I can barely pronounce, such as:  propionic acid, benzoic acid, phosphoric acid, dextrose, guar gum, amylase.  Sounds yummy doesn't it!  

The ingredients in my corn tortillas are masa harina (white cooked corn, water, lime) and water.  Masa harina is a corn flour used to make corn tortillas or tamales.  If you are concerned about gmo's like I am, make sure to buy organic masa harina or purchase one that is imported from Mexico.  As of  now, Mexico's corn crops have not been tainted with gmo's.  Unfortunately, this may change in the near future.

To start, you will need a tortilla press.

A tortilla press is a must for making corn tortillas.  You can purchase one online and they are relatively inexpensive.

You need to make sure to wrap both sides of the press with plastic wrap.  This keeps the raw tortillas from sticking to the press.

Once you press your tortillas, bake on a very hot griddle or cast iron skillet for about one minute on each side.

Here is the finished product!

Corn Tortillas

2 cups masa harina
About 1 cup of water

Place the masa harina into a bowl and mix in water.  Start with 1 cup of water, you can always add more.  Mix with your hands.  You want a dough that is about the consistency of play dough.   Form dough into 12-14 balls the size of a golf ball.  Keep the dough balls covered with a damp paper towel while you work to keep them from drying out.  Place a dough ball in the middle of the tortilla press and press down.  Carefully remove tortilla and cook on a very hot griddle or cast iron skillet for about one minute on each side.  Keep cooked tortillas covered until ready to use.

These are best eaten the same day, but they will keep in the fridge for a day or two.  They also freeze well.

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