Hey there! Long time
no see! I’ve been on a hiatus from this
blog (obviously)…but I’ve had a good reason.
Well, reasons. First…busy, busy,
busy I have been!
Second…and probably the most important reason…I had to do
some serious thinking about what I wanted out of this blog…why I’m writing…where
I want the blog to go.
You see…back in May I went to a one day blogging conference,
Bloggy Boot Camp. A very good friend of
mine is one of the founders of Bloggy Boot Camp. She lives across the country from me, and
even though we have been fast friends for over 12 years, we had never actually
met in person (long story). So…the main
reason I went was to see her. But, I
figured as new blogger I would benefit from this conference as well since
really, I had no clue what I was doing (and still don’t).
The conference was a barrage of information, and honestly
left me feeling a little defeated (not because it wasn’t a great conference…it
was…with amazing speakers who shared incredible information). I left feeling like I had no direction and
really had no business having a blog. That
maybe blogging was not a good idea for me.
One of the first things they talked about was the “End Game”. Your end game is essentially your vision for
your blog. Where you want to go? Do you want to make money, do you want to
write for fun? What is the purpose of
your blog?
I had no end game. I
had nothing. I started this blog on a
whim because I have a lot to say on the topic of real food and healthy food
choices in general. I started it on Blogger
because it was free. I’m a WAH mom on a
budget. I didn’t (and don’t) have extra money
to be throwing at a blog. Then I started
thinking…if I made some money doing this, then I could afford to have a “real
blog”…meaning self-hosted using Wordpress.
It just went downhill from there for me.
It suddenly started feeling like a job. I already have three jobs…first I’m a
wife/mother/keeper of the house. I also
have two other income producing jobs that I do from home. I did not have time for a FOURTH freaking
So, realizing I was a loser by not having an “End Game” and
by using the free Blogger platform (which meant to me that nobody would take me
seriously as a real blogger)…I began feeling defeated and decided to take a
Then a few days ago I had an epiphany. I don’t give a flying shit what people think
(sorry if that offends you) (actually...I'm not sorry...if you offend that easily I can't help you, lol). I don’t
care if people don’t take my blog seriously.
I don’t want this blog to be a fourth job. I want it to be fun. I want it to be a place where I can share my
knowledge and maybe help someone along the way.
I want to know that if I don’t post for a couple of weeks, it’s no big
deal. I want it to be on my terms. I don’t want my blog to be a source of stress. What I want it to be is a creative outlet for
ME. I don’t care if I make any money. I just want to let all the pent-up
information I have out for the world to read (even if the world is only five
readers, lol).
So there’s my end game.
My blog is not a job. My blog is
not a money maker. It's my creative outlet. I can say what I want to
say just as easily on my free Blogger platform as I can on a self hosted Wordpress
page that I would have had to shell out my hard earned money for. The words are the same. I don’t care if I’m not viewed by the blogging
community as a legit blogger. I don't F-ing care. And that…is the most freeing
feeling in the world!!!
So…enjoy my blog. I’ll
post when I can, and that’s all I can promise you.
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